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Industry Awards and Accolades for Google

PC Magazine's Top 100 Classic Sites
  • 9th Annual Webby Awards
    Webby Award:Best Practices (MAY 2005)
    People's Voice Award: Best Practices (MAY 2005)
    People's Voice Award: Best Navigation/Structure (MAY 2005)
  • PC Plus Editor's Choice Award
    Best Search Engine (AUGUST 2004)
  • 8th Annual Webby Awards
    Webby Award: Best Practices (MAY 2004)

    People's Voice Award: Best Practices (MAY 2004)

    Webby Award: Services (MAY 2004)

    People's Voice Award: Services (MAY 2004)
  • 2003 Search Engine Watch Awards
    Outstanding Search Service (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best News Search Engine (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best Image Search Engine (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best Design (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Most Webmaster Friendly Search Provider (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best Paid Placement Service (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best Search Toolbar (FEBRUARY 2004)
    Best Search Feature (FEBRUARY 2004)
  • EContent 100 2002
    (NOVEMBER 2002)
  • San Francisco Business Times 2002 HotTech Awards
    The Crowd Pleaser (OCTOBER 2002)
  • M.I.T. Sloan eBusiness Award
    M.I.T. Students' Choice (APRIL 2002)
  • 2001 Search Engine Watch Awards
    Outstanding Search Service (FEBRUARY 2002)

    Best Image Search Engine
    Best Design
    Most Webmaster Friendly Search Engine
    Best Search Feature
  • The Net Awards 2001
    Best Site (MAY 2001)

    Best Search Engine (MAY 2001)
  • PC Magazine
    Top 100 Web Sites: Search and Reference (MARCH  2001)
  • Mobility Award 2001
    Technical Achievement of the Year, Honorable Mention (FEBRUARY 2001)
  • Search Engine Watch
    Outstanding Search Service (JANUARY 2001)
    Most Webmaster Friendly Search Engine (JANUARY 2001)
  • PC Magazine
    Best Internet Innovation (NOVEMBER 2000)
  • PC World
    "Best Bet" Search Engine (SEPTEMBER 2000)
  • Forbes
    Best of the Web (SEPTEMBER 2000)
  • CNET
    Editors' Pick (AUGUST 2000)
  • ID Magazine
    Silver Award, Interactive Media Design (JUNE 2000)
  • TIME Digital
    Top 10 Sites (MAY 2000)
  • PC Magazine
    Top 100 Web Sites: Search Engines (APRIL 2000)
  • About.com
    Top Ten of 1999 Best of the Net (JANUARY 2000)
  • TIME Magazine
    Top Ten Best Cybertech of 1999 (DECEMBER 20, 1999)
  • PC Magazine
    Technical Excellence Award for Web Applications (NOVEMBER 1999)
  • P.O.V. Magazine
    Top 100 Web Sites (NOVEMBER 1999)
  • The Net
    Best Search Engine (MARCH 2000)
  • PC Magazine
    Top 100 Web Sites: Search Engines (NOVEMBER 17, 1999)
  • PC Magazine
    Top 100 Web Sites: Search Engines (DECEMBER 1998)
World Technology Award Winner
Best of DigitalLife
8th Annual Webby Awards
OnlineStar 2003
Premio www 2003
Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Awards
7th Annual Webby Awards
Reader's Choice Brand of the Year
Pandecta Magazine Awards
2003 ClickZ Marketing Excellence Awards
Wired Rave Awards
Search Engine Watch  Awards
Pandia Award Winner
Future UK Internet Awards
EContent 100 2002
Premio www 2002
Linux Journal
Enterprise Systems Power 100 Picks
6th Annual Webby Awards
Scripting News Awards for 2001
PC Magazine - Top 100
OnlineStar 2001
2001 Webby Award
PC World's World Class Awards
Net 21
Premi Cambrescat Internacional
The Net - Best Site
Forbes Favorite
The Pandia Award
PC Magazine
Mobility 2001
Search Engine Watch
Yahoo Internet Life
PC Magazine Editors Choice
PC Magazine Technical Innovation
WIRED Readers Raves
PC Magazine's Technical Excellence