Sega/Sonic Links

Sonic Exchange - Sonic The Hedgehog Banner Exchange!
- Sega/Sonic WebRings
Moved to a new page to lower load time. Now up-to-date information! (And rebroken just a week before relaunching!)

One word describes this site: Be-shooo! Seriously, this is a great resource for SegaSonic information, updated on a fairly daily basis. His Sonic Museum is a major triumph, and deserves a look, at least to hear his childhood Sonic story. I get all teary-eyed just thinking about it... *sniffle*.. ;> Oh, and he's a Slayers fan too. ^.^

An up-and-coming webpage by a fellow Sonic fan (if you don't understand what Vegemite is, ask him, he'll be glad to quote his curious fandom. o_O). It has several hoaxes (including some of my own), comic summaries, and is updating with new material every time I check. Plus, he bribed me with an award, so how could I say no? ^.^ (Just kidding there.)
- Sonic the Webhog
Run by co-conspirator of the Sonic: Season 3 effort, Jim Doe, he has quite a collection of fanfics and many other works, and is, last time I checked, working on a multimedia shrine for Bunnie Rabbot. Plus he's as insane as I am (if not moreso!), so head on over!

So it isn't pretty. ;> Jan admits it, but you've dealt with this page, so prettyness isn't a worry to you, ne? But while Area 51 doesn't have 50,000 beautiful pictures scattered across the page, it does have some exclusive information you're _not_ going to see elsewhere. It also hosts hacking areas for the "less mainstream" (Sonic CD and the Game Gear games) Sonic games.

Now maintained by Pelord, still a quality site, and a good archive of info.

Updated in an even weirder series of bursts than the MC, but still a good site.

Self-proclaimed "the Original", a website encompasing quite a bit of information about Sonic the Hedgehog, from Sonic 1 to Sonic Xtreme. Now maintained by "Knuckles".

Recently cleaned up, but recently is 3/7/99. It still has the best page on SegaSonic Arcade, bar none. (Well, now the prerelease ROM is in heavy distribution, but STILL...)
The Hidden PalaceWhat happened to this site? I liked it a lot...

A great website if you wish to hack Sonic 2 roms. Part of the Sonic Hacking Community (links to the other hacking pages can be found on the site).
- The Sonic the Hedgehog Info Page
It's Alessandro Sanasi's page. He has quite a bit of Sonic Underground info as well.

A spectacular site run by Solly. ^.^ Excellent artwork, little-know programs and original layouts are just some of the features of this under-appreciated website.
- Sonic HQ
Large, LARGE site dedicated to being the premiere base of the Sonic fandom. News, reviews, you'll be drowning in stuff there. Also has Mega Man and Webpage Design off-shoots.
- IGN Dreamcast
I miss Anoop.