H. Hog's Hoaxes
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You can't seeee meeeee!COMING SOON1/24/00
Tails, POed at the lack of snowboarding in his game until Sonic Adventure, takes out his frustration by blinding Sonic.
Maybe a self-gratifying hoax, but it is pretty...COMING SOON1/24/00
Yes. Yes he can. Don't ask why, he just can! (I'm supposed to thank "Justin Reese" for this, so I will. When I feel like it. (J/K))
Wile E. was infinitely cooler. ^_^1/30/00
A remake of an original "Chemical Plant" hoax that didn't get posted, with the Roadrunner helping out Sonic. Now if only Wile E. would fly in using the Eggomatic... ^_^
Don't worry, H. Hog, it happens to everyone. ;) 2/6/00
Yes, H. Hog submits to the pressures, and puts a Sonic 2 Beta sprite in Sonic 2. And much rejoicing did occur.
G'wan. Is is the glasses?2/6/00
Yes, our heroes spin the sign a little too far, and suffer the punishment for it...
I really shouldn't post this... but I'm tired, so what the hey. ^_^2/17/00
"Hey, Kulock! Got a new hoax for ya! Well, not really a hoax... it's an actual screenshot! I used another emulator for a change,(D-gen instead of Genecyst) I looked around in the view engines, and all of a sudden my pallete was all fudged up! Well, i thought it looked funny, and i played on until i came to the Aquatic ruin zone. I thought by myself... "Hey, what colour would Grounder be?" And he was green! Just like in the cartoon show!"
*grumble* *grumble* Do I REALLY have to paste in that?2/19/00
Ahem... dialogue supplied by H. Hog:

Sonic:I can't hold it any longer....
Yuji Naka:No, Sonikku! You cannot do this, you're in the middle of a game!
Sonic:I know, but i reeealy have to...
Yuji:No, you should have thought of that before you started the game!
Sonic: (Thinking) Screw him...
Sonic starts to pee off the bridge.
Amy Rose:(out of a distance)Soooooniiiiccc!!! Where are you?!?!?
Yuji:That'll show him...
I still feel so dirty from that last one... (J/K)2/19/00
Whee! A techie hoax! ...Ahem. There are two conumdrums presented by this work, you may highlight the text following this caption if you cannot figure them out.
Okay, to be blunt, the Badnik's dealing with alternated gravity, while Knuckles is not. ...Oh, yeah, and the whole "Knuckles in Death Egg" thing in the first place, which can only be done with level select.
Yes, it's been done before, but not quite so... evilly... *thundercrash*3/18/00
(AniGIF) Sonic... uhmn... when he catches up to you... can I have your stereo?
Shouldn't the lives icon, who has suddenly become alive itself, be more worried with the fact it's a DISEMBODIED HEAD!? ...Or not.3/18/00
Yes, Smokey the Bear would've stopped this, but he's not until Hill Top Zone.

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Last Updated: 4/19/00

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