Seph Hexen's Hoaxes
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Not many hoaxers include their mothers, but ne. ^_^COMING SOON10/18/99
Dina and her son Drago(o)n race through the "Zone of Silence".
No fair writing the grading of a hoax in the filename! But it is. *G*COMING SOON10/26/99
Yup, a title card, but a good one. S2's version of a "Station Square" title card, including "Adventure Field".
'It's dead, Jim. And so am I.'COMING SOON10/26/99
Little Planet Bad Future.
Doomsday in the atmosphere!COMING SOON10/26/99
"Decent into Little Planet Bad Future".
Ready....COMING SOON10/28/99
Light Speed Dash, pure and simple. Notice how the block is missing, and he's following the trail of rings like in the game? Quite an excellent touch.
'Silly me! All this time, I forgot to turn around!'COMING SOON10/29/99
"You know how it's 2-D in S&K. But what's on the side you can't see? Sonic Jam's programing got fried by some hacker,and we find: S2Beta? Sonic Jam always has little surprises... or the maybe the Beta of S&K (supporting another theory at Secrets that Sega put in all the "Lost Levels"...) or then again, Windows 95 forgot to put a error message (finally!)."
Get Gold Spheres!COMING SOON10/31/99
You guessed it, Super Sonic's Special Stage.
Choose your Bud- Used that one already.COMING SOON11/1/99
What Seph Hexen thinks a better Sonic & Knuckles bonus stage select would've looked like.
At least it isn't the Delaware River... (J/K)COMING SOON11/1/99
Yup, premade fonts, but only used one last time to keep with the theme of the originals.
Aww! So kawaii! ...Let's throw 'em in the ocean! (J/K)COMING SOON11/3/99
An EXCELLENT hoax of a Chao Garden using the opening of Sonic 3, and some very well made, simple little Chao sprites. One is normal, the other is metal.

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Last Updated: 1/27/00

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