Nate's Hoaxes
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Gotta start somewhere...2/9/00
The beginning of "Sonic Adventure: Genesis Version"
Bah! Even... perspective! ...Just ...wrong!2/9/00
...Well... there's a tiny, tiny bit of dithe- Oh, darn it, I can't even nitpick this piece. Spectacular job, Nate. ^_^
Must... destroy... one with artistics skills...2/9/00
Another SA recreation. (The original wasn't quite so dithered, but when he saved this as GIF, the dithering showed up. All well, he gets much better at saving without dithering.)
Mummy! It's not fair! He can draw!3/7/00
(AniGIF) The beginning of a series: "When Sonic Takes Things Too Far"
"WSTTTF #1 is the scene with Amy and Sonic from SONIC ADVENTURE. Instead of saying his usual lines, he just kind of stares at her and tries to push her away. That ticks her off and she pulls out her hammer. Splat. You might have to watch it a couple times to understand it."
Moral of the story, kiddies: Don't PO someone who can fly.3/7/00
(AniGIF) "WSTTTF #2 is this: Tails is tired of being kicked around in windy valley( I deeply envy that other hoaxer's windy valley hoax!), especially after being hit by a homing attack. Tails shows Sonic his advantage of his birth defect of his tails!"
Yes, it's large, and I even shrunk the size from 50% of the original, but it's worth it.3/7/00
(AniGIF) "It's pretty self explanitory. After Robotnic shows up after Sonic and Knuckle's little duel in SONIC ADVENTURE, Sonic accidentally cusses out Knuckles. Obviously still miffed at him from Sonic 3, Knuckles' takes it seriously. Sonic's recoil from the punch send's him flying toward the camrea man, having the equipment fall on him. Knux and Tails look upon the downed cameraman, Tails worried, Knux not. But hey, it all evens out: Knuckles got his revenge, and also gets to pay the hospital bill for Sonic and the camera man^_^!"
(Warning, 500k.)
The opinions expressed in this hoax are not necessarily those of the staff and hoaxers of the Moogle Cavern. ^_^3/16/00
"Don't get me wrong. I love Dreamcast, but the memory cards suck. I love the VMU's, games and etc., but I just had to make a joke about it."
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?3/16/00
"The return of the EVIL BETA VERSIONS! first it hit Sonic Team, now, us?! (shudder) I sure hope Andy and Diablo don't get offended, lightning strikes and Evil go well together."
Darn! Beat to it! Wait, I'm not just doing a hoax anymore, nevermind... o_o3/16/00
Yet another SA recreation, Sky Chase, Act 1.
A bit big, but well done.3/16/00
"SA2 is my idea of what the Sonic Adventure 2 logo should look like. It was harder to do than you might think. I had to make the "II" by myself, and had a real pain trying to find that Sonic picture. Then, the real pain was getting the hand in front w/ all the clipping errors. I had to go in and fix it pixel by pixel!"

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Last Updated: 4/19/00

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