Nate's Hoaxes
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Sonic learns the hard way to not taunt Happy Fun Tikal...3/16/00
"Sonic is just about to crush Tikal and choas with a metallic choa egg, when chaos comes up."
...I think he and Katt are out to destroy our sanity. ^_^3/16/00
"And E-102 finds Sonic making a graffited insult about him. Only tails sees E-102."
Well, that ALMOST explains Big in Windy Valley, except wrong zone... ^_^3/31/00
"WSTTTF#6 is one of my first, true Sonic Adventure hoaxes. It's 3D Red Mountain Zone (just like in the game). Here's what happens. It takes place on the filming of one of Big's BIG scenes on the Egg Carrier when Big meets Sonic, attempting to save Froggy. Instead of helping Big out, Sonic grabs Big's fishing pole. he then Jumps off the set and makes his getaway off of a zip line in Red Mountain. Result: the whole Sonic Team gives chase and Sonic Adventure is delayed even more( this explains why the graphics are so choppy on Big's adventure^_^)."
Sonic should REALLY replace those odor-eaters more often...4/14/00
"This is one of the reasons Sonic game are delayed. the constant burning up of shoes! Knuckles and Tails (sufferingly) pitch in to help. By the way, tails is holding a fire extinguisher."
Okay, so have no idea WHY Tails would eat Pikachu, maybe it's Tails from Matt Newman's series, and he's still hungry...4/14/00
Tails eats Pikachu. I mean, really. Nothing could be more logical. Oh, and Tails gets payback. ^_^

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Last Updated: 4/19/00

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