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Text Length

  • Headline: 25 characters including spaces
    Company name or ad title

  • Description line: 35 characters including spaces
    Key message or call to action

  • Description line: 35 characters including spaces
    Key message or call to action

  • Display URL: 35 characters including spaces
    Display URL - cannot be replaced with ad copy

Destination URL

Your ad will link users to a destination URL, which may differ from the above "Display URL" if you choose. An active destination URL must be provided and cannot exceed 1024 characters. Google users must be allowed to return to the results page when clicking on the BACK button of their browsers. Please try to provide the most "targeted" URL that will take Google users directly to the product or service you are promoting.

Preview Tool

Preview how your ad will look. As you complete each field and move to the next, your text will be displayed in the sample ad.
*Requires Internet Explorer 6+ or Netscape 6+.

Place Your Ad Here
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and our partner sites.
Description line 1
Description line 2
Display URL

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