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People share their Google stories with us...

Message from: Laura

"Last year my daughter, who was a senior in high school, was afraid of failing her math final. I did a search on Google and came up with more than one method of explaining the formulas...She passed the final and ended up with a B in the class instead of a C. "

Message from: Chris

"Recently I was installing the latest Outlook Exchange server patches on our corporate e-mail server. When it finished, the machine required a reboot. The machine came back up fine, but the e-mail database did not. I nearly collapsed thinking I had lost all of our corporate mail! (I had a backup from 2 days ago, but still would have been in huge trouble if I had to report 2 days' worth of mail was gone.) Anyway, I entered the text of the error message from the screen into Google and within 2 or 3 links, I found the solution, and our mail server was back up before my co-workers were at work that morning. Thanks!"

Message from: Terry

"After 34 years of not knowing who my father was, I typed his name into Google.com and found a link that I thought might help me. I sent an email to the link's website contact who then forwarded my information to my father. Two days later, I received a 3-page email from the man who I thought might be my father – it was indeed him. He had also been looking for me for years, but to no avail. I just wanted to say thank you, as I now have the opportunity to meet my father, introduce him to his new grandson, and meet my two half-brothers and a half-sister. Mainly, I just wanted to say thank you."

Message from: Ann

"I just wanted to let you know that Google may well have saved my life. My sons and I were walking home from having eaten out. A half block from my house, I felt this pressure building in my chest. Immediately, I thought, 'heart attack' and ran through how I'd been feeling that the day (I had been nauseated). My first thought was, 'confirm suspicions,' and immediately, upon arriving home, I went to Google and typed in 'heart attack.' I kept thinking, 'you only have minutes...' I found a site that listed symptoms. Indeed, I was having a heart attack. I was at the Albany fire station within minutes. Five baby aspirin later, and a few squirts of nitro and I was in the ambulance on my way to the hospital. The good news is, I have no residual damage. My heart is back to normal. Thank you for providing the Google search engine. I'm sure my recovery was complete because of the speed within which I was able to get help."

Message from: Rob

"I'm a musician, and I've had my guitars for years. Recently, I had the misfortune of having my guitars stolen. The next morning, sad but not defeated, I began to hunt for them using Google. I was amazed to actually find them online! I alerted the police as soon as possible, and thanks to their help I'm going to get them back! Google helped me track them down. An amazing piece of technology and an wonderful story about the power of the Internet! Thank you Google for helping me save my guitars and getting them back!"

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