Narrator |
Number of Submissions: 5 |
Narra01.wav (128K) | Andy V'Ner: "The Freedom Fighters now go into Mobotropolis to destroy Robotnik's remaining machines." |
Narra02.wav (104K) | Callista Luminaria: "There had been no word from Snively, Robotnik's weasely assistant." |
Narra03.wav (743K) | Jim Doe: "After Robotnik's ill-fated Doomsday Project was destroyed one week ago..." |
Narra04.wav (160K) | AlEcyler: "The Freedom Fighters celebrated their victory. But little did they know Snively was alive and up to no good, and now he had help." |
Narra05.wav (868K) | (08/04)Jerry P.: "Mecha Sonic had discovered the location of Knothole, and had reported it back to Snively. The Freedom Fighters knew they had to be prepared for the worst, even if it meant leaving Knothole--forever." |
Sonic |
Number of Submissions: 9 |
Sonic01.wav (714K) | Matt Broussards's version saying, "This plan is WAY past uncool, Sal." |
Sonic02.wav (159K) | Kiri Megami: "I'm the coolest hedgehog around." |
Sonic03.wav (163K) | JaSonic: "Hello, everyone! I am Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive." |
Sonic04.wav (64K) | Sonic Hedgehog: "Chill guys, it's cool." |
Sonic05.wav (507K) | Pip the Bat: "I know this city like the back of my hand." |
Sonic06.wav (114K) | Sonicboom13: "Hello, everyone, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive!" |
Sonic07.wav (136K) | "Hello! It's never gonna work, Sal! You might as well just start with something new, okay?" |
Sonic08.wav (208K) | Dash the Hedgehog: "Look, man, I don't care! Just get out of here, I can handle this myself!" |
Sonic09.wav (34K) | (08/04)Liam Slater: "No way Sal, it's too dangerous." |
Tails |
Number of Submissions: 4 |
Tails01.wav (455K) | Jared B.: "Sonic! Mecha-Sonic is over here!" |
Tails02.wav (679K) | Marisa C.: "That's way past cool Sonic!" |
Tails03.wav (54K) | Onyx Hedgehog: "Can I go with Sonic, Aunt Sally?" |
Tails04.wav (743K) | Pip the Bat: "Okay. Hey, Sonic, wait up!" |
Antoine |
Number of Submissions: 3 |
Antoi01.wav (679K) | Sega Hedgehog: "You are zee most infurating 'edgehog!" |
Antoi02.wav (93K) | Ash H: "You are being so too beautiful today my Princess." |
Antoi03.wav (65K) | Paul Kepp: "Y'know, I am thinking, Snively the Great..." |
Rotor |
Number of Submissions: 2 |
Rotor01.wav (33K) | Dave Elderkin: "My name is Rotor. You name it, and I can fix it." |
Rotor02.wav (138K) | Ash H: "I'm Rotor, an engineer. If you need a machine, I'll build it!" |
Sally |
Number of Submissions: 7 |
Sally01.wav (97K) | Syn Echidna: "How could any one possibly know what you think?" |
Sally02.wav (105K) | Callista Luminaria: "Nicole, scan for the Sonic-like robot and check it's energy readings." |
Sally03.wav (63K) | Onyx Hedgehog: "Don't be silly, Antoine." |
Sally04.wav (46K) | Sally Acorn: "Nicole, scan for the Sonic-like robot and check its energy readings." |
Sally05.wav (453K) | Pip the Bat: "Ok guys, I think we're in the clear." |
Sally06.wav (71K) | Sonicboom13: "How could anyone possibly know what you think!?" |
Sally07.wav (604K) | Vixie Lamenta: "Oh my gosh... it's Robotnik!" |
Nicole |
Number of Submissions: 4 |
Nicol01.wav (98K) | Onyx Hedgehog: "Scanning, Sally. Scanning interupted, incoming message." |
Nicol02.wav (334K) | Pip the Bat: "Scanning, Sally." |
Nicol03.wav (102K) | NetRaptor: "Scanning, Sally. Scanning interupted, incoming message." |
Nicol04.wav (94K) | Vixie Lamenta: "Searching, Sally. One entry found." |
Bunnie |
Number of Submissions: 6 |
Bunni01.wav (61K) | Syn Echidna: "What the hoo-ha d'you suppose that was all about?" |
Bunni02.wav (50K) | Onyx Hedgehog: "Why's that, Sally-Girl?" |
Bunni03.wav (58K) | bluegurl: "Oh my stars!" |
Bunni04.wav (87K) | NetRaptor: "What the hoo-ha happened... Sonic! Sally-Girl!" |
Bunni05.wav (83K) | Sonicboom13: "What the hoo-ha do ya s'pose that was all about?" |
Bunni06.wav (114K) | Vixie Lamenta: "As my old uncle Beauregarde used to say, 'The South shall rise again!'" |
SWATBots |
Number of Submissions: 5 |
Swatb01.wav (59K) | RaptorRed: "Capture Freedom Fighters: Priority One." |
Swatb02.wav (340K) | Paul Lapensee: "Priority One: Hedgehog." |
Swatb03.wav (123K) | Ash H: "By Your Command. Hedgehog Priority One, Hedgehog Priority One!" |
Swatb04.wav (237K) | Paul Kepp: "Hedgehog sighted. Priority One: Capture and Detain under Order of Robotnik." |
Swatb05.wav (413K) | (08/04)Jerry P.: "This unit is not designed to question, merely destroy." |
Snively |
Number of Submissions: 4 |
Snive01.wav (613K) | Matt Broussards: "Sir, the hedgehog is approaching." |
Snive02.wav (68K) | RaptorRed: "Proceed with attack, MS-01." |
Snive03.wav (485K) | Jim Doe: "Proceed with attack, MS-01." |
Snive04.wav (760K) | (08/04)Jerry P.: "Attention, all SWATbots: Prepare to intercept the hedgehog at location Alpha-C-2." |
Mecha (Metal) Sonic |
Number of Submissions: 7 |
Msonc01.wav (733K) | Jim Doe's second attempt, "Eliminate second target to enhance this unit's chances for survival." |
Msonc02.wav (87K) | My attept in a more Metal Sonic style, "Greetings, Sonic."(Japanese style "Sonic") |
Msonc03.wav (123K) | Andy V'Ner's version, "Mecha Sonic now active. Mission: destroy freedom fighter." |
Msonc04.wav (379K) | Paul Lapensee: "Query: What's a chillidog? This unit does not understand." |
Msonc05.wav (379K) | Steven Blom: "Whatever you can do, I can do better." |
Msonc06.wav (135K) | Sonicboom13: "Elminate second target to enhance this unit's chances for survival." |
Msonc07.wav (95K) | (08/04)Liam Slater: "Systems online, target locked, mission, destroy Sonic the Hedgehog." |