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How drives traffic to promotions and new products® provides employers, recruiters and job seekers with an integrated print and online recruitment resource encompassing, a variety of online partners, and the top three newspaper companies in the United States: Gannett, Knight Ridder and the Tribune Company. CareerBuilder listings appear in more than 130 local newspapers. Each month,, its newspaper and other partner sites combined see more than 9 million unique visitors seeking job listings and career help.

Approach's offline marketing focuses primarily on promoting trial and building brand awareness. The company's online marketing goal is to drive qualified traffic to four job-related activities: search, apply, register, and post resumes. Online marketing initiatives consist of search engine marketing and co-branding career channels on portals and other media properties. uses Google advertising programs to drive traffic to the site, and equally important, to drive traffic to promotions and new product launches.

"The customers we acquire through Google are among our best in meeting our metrics."

The company has used Google AdWords™ since they began in 2001. According to Jim Lunsford,'s Director of Relationship Marketing and Strategic Partnerships, "Google is a top search engine, and the Google advertising programs are a key component of our overall marketing strategy." generates approximately 500,000 unique visitors per month through Google.

CareerBuilder measures customer acquisition by the number of users submitting resumes or completing applications, and also by unique visitors and page views. As Lunsford notes, "Google always provides us with very positive results against our key metrics. We typically receive a high number of page views per visit from our Google traffic, and the cost per acquisition is in line with our goals."

The career site has also found Google to be very effective in generating traffic to special promotions and new sections. "Google's flexibility makes it easy to change creative in real time for promotions or new products launches. If we have a large number of healthcare jobs for example, we can use specific targeted keywords to drive traffic to our healthcare channel home page," said Lunsford. For a site with numerous categories and thousands of listings, Google's ability to determine the most productive keywords yielding the best results is a significant advantage.

Recently, used Google to promote Personal Search Agent, an online tool that enables job seekers to outline job search criteria and have specific openings pushed to them via email. To generate interest in this popular tool, the site offered a $25,000 sweepstakes prize. used targeted messages in the text-based ads to invite people to register to win.

"The team at Google is stellar. They are always available and have the ability to target our advertising campaigns so we meet our goals and objectives."

In October 2002, the site launched a virtual job fair. This online offering includes numerous corporate listings and details on each employer and the ability to explore career opportunities by company, submit resumes and complete applications. With Google advertising programs, has been able to run specific targeted ads designed to drive traffic to the job fair, which has already seen a large jump in traffic.

The company is also very pleased with Google's client service. "The team at Google is stellar. They are always available and have the ability to target our advertising campaigns so we meet our goals and objectives," says Lunsford. "Perhaps most important, the customers we acquire through Google are among our best in meeting our required metrics – pages per visit, number of online applications, and cost per user."

About Google Advertising
Google AdWords is currently used by thousands of businesses worldwide to gain new customers in a cost-effective way. AdWords uses keywords to precisely target ad delivery to web users seeking information about a particular product or service.The program is based on cost- per-click (CPC)pricing,so advertisers only pay when an ad is clicked on. Advertisers can take advantage of an extremely broad distribution network, and choose the level of support and spending appropriate for their business. For more information, go to

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