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How gets 24 percent more traffic every week.

A $1 billion company, Trader Publishing Company is the largest publisher in the United States producing classified and photo guide advertising publications. Like many other businesses that publish regional and local guides, Trader also has active websites mirroring the content, the listings, and the ads for some 30 titles. In the apartment rental market, Trader publishes a monthly guide called For Rent Magazine® and a related site ( For Rent Magazine appears in 102 metro markets around the country. On the web side, apartment seekers can browse all the listings, by city, and in special areas including senior communities, corporate apartments, military and college housing. Nearly 100 percent of For Rent's print advertisers have opted to run their ads on the site.

"We wanted to take advantage of the increased distribution that Google's content-targeted advertising would give us."
Stephanie Krebs
Marketing Manager

As the leading apartment rental guide publisher,'s online advertising goal was to grow site traffic. More visitors would lead to more advertisers, and that in turn would mean greater revenue. In March 2003, Marketing Manager Stephanie Krebs says, "We chose the Google AdWords™ program to raise our visibility, so our advertisers would see more traffic."

Krebs says there was an even more pressing challenge: Trader's number one competitor was seeing 450 percent more traffic. "We turned to Google to up the ante. Knowing our ads would show up on Google plus its network of sites, including AOL, was a big selling point for us," she says. Krebs also notes that Google AdSense, a new program that runs targeted ads on content sites, was an additional incentive. "We wanted to take advantage of the increased distribution that Google's content-targeted advertising would give us," she says.

The conversion metric that tracks is lead generation through online "guest card" registrations. Krebs calculates registrations divided by page views to understand the return on investment she is getting.

Google AdWords has proved to be the most effective form of online advertising uses. Overall, site traffic is up a steady 24 percent every week. And in just 10 weeks of AdWords advertising, Google's traffic referrals to through AOL alone jumped 110 percent. On the cost-per-click (CPC) side, Krebs says that the amount they pay for Google customer clickthroughs is exactly half what they must pay another advertising partner. "With a low CPC we have with Google, our cost is negligible," says Krebs. "And we know that qualified leads are clicking through every time."

"In our industry, which is very competitive, keyword-based advertising on Google is turning out to be a great ad model."

Based on these kinds of results, Krebs has opted to run’s AdWords ads on Google’s network of content sites, a new feature Google recently enabled. “It’s a good extension for us,” she says. “Google conversion rates for both search and content advertising are both performing very well. Though we are seeing a lower clickthrough rate on content ads, the conversion on both search and content ads is strong, and we are getting extremely qualified leads from both programs.” Krebs also reports that Google content ads are converting at 2 to 3 percentage points higher than other ads the company runs on content sites."

In the apartment-rental business, says Krebs, all of this is good news. "In our industry, which is very competitive, keyword-based advertising on Google is turning out to be a great ad model."

About Google Advertising
Google AdWords is currently used by thousands of businesses worldwide to gain new customers in a cost-effective way. AdWords uses keywords to precisely target ad delivery to web users seeking information about a particular product or service. The program is based on cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, so advertisers only pay when an ad is clicked on. Advertisers can take advantage of an extremely broad distribution network, and choose the level of support and spending appropriate for their business. For more information, go to

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