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RezRez® increased conversion 50 percent with Google AdWords.

The last few years have brought unprecedented challenges to the travel business. Much shakeout between competitors, increasing threats to travel agencies, and price cuts that yield the thinnest of margins – these are just a few of the issues the industry faces. One company that has found a sweet spot amid the turmoil is Resort Reservations Network Inc. (RezRez), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Vancouver, B.C.-based Intrawest Corporation.

"Google is a central part of our marketing strategy. We track each keyword uniquely to understand the ROI. Once we know which keywords are providing the best ROI, we then increase the buys on these keywords to convert even more customers through our eCommerce engine."

Robert Morrow
Senior Manager of Online Marketing

RezRez is a destination-focused central reservations company offering complete travel planning services for premier destinations in North America including Whistler Blackcomb, Mont Tremblant, Banff, Aspen, Vail, Breckenridge, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, among others. Using RezRez, travelers can book hotels, all-inclusive resorts, discount flights, car rentals, cruises, airport shuttles, limousines and a wide variety of activities at each destination. RezRez offers the convenience of planning and booking online or speaking with a knowledgeable Travel Consultant who will assist with reservations.

With heated competition from both large travel bookers and many kinds of travel packagers, Robert Morrow, Senior Manager of Online Marketing for RezRez, says their strategy "has been fairly simple: focus on the top destinations in select areas, and do it very well." Since 1996, the company has advertised online using search terms and graphical banner ads. RezRez was one of the first companies to adopt CPC advertising and believes very strongly in its effectiveness.

To increase the reach in this advertiser-heavy business, Morrow says that RezRez has taken advantage of Google AdWords™ since it began in 2000. RezRez has a dedicated team to develop online campaigns along with SiteCatalyst web analytics software from Omniture to track the ROI on each individual Google AdWords ad as well as other key metrics.

"Our reservation business makes money because of the effectiveness of our online marketing," says Morrow. He also notes that "a large percentage of RezRez revenue comes from online customers." He credits Google search results as contributing considerably to this volume. And, he reports, the AdWords program has resulted in a striking 50 percent increase in conversion to sales. This is a major reason Morrow says, "Google is a central part of our marketing strategy. We track each keyword uniquely to understand the ROI. Once we know which keywords are providing the best ROI, we then increase the buys on these keywords to convert even more customers through our eCommerce engine."

About Google Advertising
Google AdWords is currently used by thousands of businesses worldwide to gain new customers in a cost-effective way. AdWords uses keywords to precisely target ad delivery to web users seeking information about a particular product or service. The program is based on cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, so advertisers only pay when an ad is clicked on. Advertisers can take advantage of an extremely broad distribution network, and choose the level of support and spending appropriate for their business.

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