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Find on this site: found their qualified leads from Google AdWords grew 47 percent, a private Los Angeles-based company, is squarely in the midst of the fast-growing people search industry. The site provides group e-mail, web-based address book, event planning and photo-sharing services for 12 million registered users who want to reconnect and stay in touch with school friends and others at a distance.

"Google is the top performer in our campaign – the best among all the search engines."

Peter Hershberg
Managing Partner
Reprise Media for

Approach turned to Reprise Media, a New York-based search engine marketing firm, for help generating and managing their search engine marketing campaign. According to Peter Hershberg, managing partner at Reprise Media, " is a leading player in the rapidly growing people search market. Their goal was to generate registrations for the service by driving highly qualified users deep into one of more than 50,000 unique high school pages on the site. To tap into this broad base of specific local content, Reprise generated a list of more than 120,000 unique keywords and phrases, and assigned unique titles, descriptions and landing pages to each of them. This level of creative customization was designed to create a seamless transition for users searching on, effectively increasing the overall conversion rate of the campaign.

Because of the high volume of searches Google performs for individual high schools, Reprise Media selected Google AdWords™ for the campaign, in addition to other keyword advertising programs. "We have found that Google is an ideal platform for our clients when they want to reach audiences searching for very granular information, such as individual product SKUs or, in Reunion's case, local high school keywords," says Hershberg.

The massive keyword list was bigger than any campaign previously run on AdWords, necessitating that Google develop a custom solution. Reprise Media worked closely with the Google account team during development of Google's bulk keyword tool, which enabled easy management of tens of thousands of search terms. According to Hershberg, "Google was the only keyword advertising service able to respond quickly and help us scale the campaign. Google's bulk keyword tool made it possible for us to efficiently get much more specific with the targeting of our campaign, increasing its overall effectiveness."

"Google's bulk keyword tool made it possible for us to efficiently get much more specific with the targeting of our campaign, increasing its overall effectiveness"

What's more, he reports, "Google is the top performer in our campaign – the best among all the search engines," adding, "We're seeing top-notch, high – quality traffic, in the form of thousands and thousands of proactive leads." Hershberg added that Google was the top source of qualified leads for, providing nearly half of the campaign's total, as well as driving 20 percent more leads than its next largest pay-for-performance partner.

Ideally, seeks people who sign up for an annual or multiyear membership, which they measure as having significant lifetime value. Gary Hall, director of business development for, summed up the campaign by saying, "Reprise Media and Google have proved to be a winning combination for us. We've quickly ramped up our business, and the quality of leads we're getting through the Google Network enables us to keep scaling the campaign, while continually enjoying the same positive results."

About Google Advertising
Google AdWords is currently used by thousands of businesses worldwide to gain new customers in a cost-effective way. AdWords uses keywords to precisely target ad delivery to web users seeking information about a particular product or service. The program is based on cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, so advertisers only pay when an ad is clicked on. Advertisers can take advantage of an extremely broad distribution network, and choose the level of support and spending appropriate for their business. For more information, go to

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