| COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
This is the affliction known as "Hoaxer Boredom". Frightening, ne? A level select with various names put in for the real zones. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
Marble Garden Zone from S3 gets Marble Zone from S1's background. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
Angel Island from S3 with Emerald Hill's (S2) background. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
Tails races through Scrap Brain Zone of Sonic 1. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
It's a beta title screen for S&K linked to Sonic 2. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
A nice hoax of a beta Sonic 3 title screen. A few editing flaws (blue marks, for instance), but still very good. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
A title card for the beta-ish Angel Island Zone, in Sonic 2-style. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
The aforementioned beta's stage select. Note the different names. I mean, really, what else could you be noting? C'mon, I dare you. Try and note something else. Ah ha! I caught you noting the names! |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
A chimera of Sonic 2 and Sonic CD. Very original. ^.^ |
 | COMING SOON | 2/9/99 |
For those who felt cheated by getting all of the Sonic 2 emeralds as Tails, Andy gives us: Super Tails in S2! |