Andy V'ner's Hoaxes
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*Piku* Okay, so he started off odd. ;)COMING SOON2/9/99
This is the affliction known as "Hoaxer Boredom". Frightening, ne? A level select with various names put in for the real zones.
Many people have made this connection. ^.^COMING SOON2/9/99
Marble Garden Zone from S3 gets Marble Zone from S1's background.
Reusing old backgrounds? Sonic Team's getting lazy. ^.^COMING SOON2/9/99
Angel Island from S3 with Emerald Hill's (S2) background.
One of the originals, and still one of the best.COMING SOON2/9/99
Tails races through Scrap Brain Zone of Sonic 1.
It's as close as we'll get until _some_ emulator programmer can figure it out.COMING SOON2/9/99
It's a beta title screen for S&K linked to Sonic 2.
Hooray! Beta everything!COMING SOON2/9/99
A nice hoax of a beta Sonic 3 title screen. A few editing flaws (blue marks, for instance), but still very good.
Title card! Hide!COMING SOON2/9/99
A title card for the beta-ish Angel Island Zone, in Sonic 2-style.
Casino Night Zone, so good, they made it twice. o.OCOMING SOON2/9/99
The aforementioned beta's stage select. Note the different names. I mean, really, what else could you be noting? C'mon, I dare you. Try and note something else. Ah ha! I caught you noting the names!
'Tails took the game off, I'm here to take over!'COMING SOON2/9/99
A chimera of Sonic 2 and Sonic CD. Very original. ^.^
Hooray!'re still noting the names, aren't you?COMING SOON2/9/99
For those who felt cheated by getting all of the Sonic 2 emeralds as Tails, Andy gives us: Super Tails in S2!

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Last Updated: 8/23/99

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