| COMING SOON | 2/21/99 |
Sonic (from S1) decides to take the fight to Vectorman's game. Very well done, note the lives icons. |
 | COMING SOON | 2/21/99 |
...and not to be outdone, Vectorman takes his battles to Sonic 2's Metropolis Zone...and stands on a bolt. |
 | COMING SOON | 3/7/99 |
A working Sonic 2 Bets Special Stage Lamppost! And in Emerald/Green Hill, no less! |
 | COMING SOON | 3/7/99 |
..*Mutter*...Read the blasted filename! ;P ;> (sonicfollowinghisdadinthesonic2gamegeargreenhillzone.gif). Next time I get a filename like this, I truncate it! Snip Snip! |
 | COMING SOON | 3/14/99 |
A GG recreation of the ending of Sonic's (and Tails') Death Egg Zone of Sonic and Knuckles. Emerald's weak, rest is well done. |
 | COMING SOON | 3/14/99 |
A great Doomsday on GG hoax. I really like this one. ^.^ |
 | COMING SOON | 3/14/99 |
S&K Game Gear locks on to Sonic 2 GG. ^.^ Erego: Knuckles vs. Robo-Sonic. That's an actual Knuckles sprite from Triple Trouble, BTW. |
 | COMING SOON | 3/26/99 |
Spinoff of Sonic Chaos's Mecha GHZ. Very original, I like this one quite a bit as well. ^.^ |
 | COMING SOON | 3/27/99 |
Andy asked me to mention this: "This hoax is dedicated to the memory of Chirper Jones Verner, the best parakeet a Sonic hoaxer could know. (The Flicky is supposed to look like him.)" |
 | COMING SOON | 5/12/99 |
Amy gives the hedgehog what-for. ^.^ (Confused? Take a look at Andy's Outtakes.) |