Andy V'ner's Hoaxes
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A long time ago on a Mobius far, fa- No, wrong series...COMING SOON7/26/99
Out of the blue, Andy submits a silly hoax: Sonic Trek: Deep Space Knux. ^_^ Simple, but funny.
It's grey!COMING SOON7/26/99
Part of the Mecha series: Mecha Floating Island.
It's grey too!COMING SOON7/26/99
Part of the Mecha series: Mecha Mushroom Hill. Andy dared me to find one thing in it actually from Mushroom Hill. Er...that's Mushroom Hill? ^_^ Unfortunately, this seems less like a Mecha Zone (like one showed in MechaEmeraldHill) and more like Scrap Brain/Chemical Plant refit. Still, a lot of work went into this, that's for sure. ^_^
It's gr- No it isn't...COMING SOON7/26/99
Part of the Mecha series: Mecha Sky Chase. Well, at least the sky anyway, Andy admits.
And, yes, Super Hoax #5320-D... (Just Kidding. ^_^)COMING SOON7/26/99
"The battle between Knuckles and Super Mecha Sonic was not without precedent..." Andy realized Super Silver Sonic (the hoaxer) almost did an idea he had lying around for months, and decided to put it down while it was still original. ^_^
Argh! Genecyst...Memory...Gone! ARGH! *Crash*COMING SOON7/28/99
There's a party in Emerald Hill, and everyone's invited! ('Cept me. *Sniff* But Andy tells me there wasn't much room left, and I'd have been upside-down, leaving me with too much a headache to update the MC. Lot of good that did. ^_^) Want a full list? Too bad, you're going to get it! The participants are: Andy, Evil Andy, Knux5, Chirper Jones Verner, Sonic & Knuckles from Robo-Blast (fan game), a Pokéball, the Pokémon who should be in the Pokéball, the trainer that owns the Pokémon that should be in the Pokéball, an oddly placed fragment of background (with reflection), the Floating Island, six robots, three flames, three Chaos Emeralds, two Tailses, three Game Gear sprites (1 edited), certain someone upside-down, Lina Inverse...whoops, wait, no, got carried away. You get the idea. This is one long caption.
And now, an extremely short and easy to grasp hoax.COMING SOON7/28/99
Sonic dyed bright yellow, or Super Sonic with not enough hairspray? You decide!
Oops.COMING SOON7/28/99
This one sort of got lost for a few weeks (I wasn't sure if he wanted me to post it or not), a fairly good PokéSonic hoax, fixing the title screen to be a bit more appropriate.
It's okay, he also enclosed Kulocrackers in the same batch. ;)COMING SOON8/22/99
o/~ Blue streak, Teleports by, Andy the Hoaxer? Er...doesn't quite work. Still good art manipulation (although Andy complained of color shifting problems). He also said that he wrote "Andy" in a font called "Andy". Wow. I bet all the people named "Gaslight" get extremely happy when they see my page. ^_^
Maybe the blood code is enabled? (Reference to Mortal Kombat 1)COMING SOON8/22/99
Andy demonstrates why KtEiStH2 (that's a long acronym) didn't replace Sonic on the title screen. Red "Sega"?

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Last Updated: 8/23/99

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