|   | 8/22/99 |
Hooray! Both the image and filename (kulocrackers.gif) mention ME! ^_^ Ahem... Andy drags Kulock (who has a better sprite than I've been able to make of him for QUITE a while O_o) through Sonic Crackers. Andy says there were coloration problems when he saved in gif format. If you have these sort of problems repeatedly, and can't seem to solve them, contact me and we'll try to work it out. |
 |   | 8/29/99 |
(AniGIF) Sonic samples some coffee, and becomes truly Hyper Sonic. |
 |   | 9/28/99 |
"Amy, in her latest attempt to win Sonic's heart, takes him to the most romantic location she can think of. (It seems to be working--Sonic isn't struggling to get free.) Unfortunately, Andy happens to see them. This was planned as a hoax involving just Sonic and Amy. But then I realized that adding Andy would save you the trouble of explaining the joke on the main page (most non-Powerzoners wouldn't have understood it) and give the rest of the world a chance to laugh at my character's hopeless situation. You also are allowed to feel pity, but it is not required (I didn't)." |
 |   | 9/28/99 |
"A "lost hoax". This was the first hoax I ever created--even older than the Tails in Sonic 1 hoaxes. In fact, when I made this, I didn't even know there was a term for hoaxing or that people displayed them on web pages. Unfortunately, the hoax was then lost within the depths of my hard drive. I found it later on when I added a hoax section to my web page, but I don't think TMC ever got it. Obviously, I wasn't exactly an expert hoaxer back then (look at the lives counter), but I wanted to present it in its original form. I'm planning to remake the hoax as sort of a tribute to the good old days, as soon as I get a chance." |
 |   | 10/2/99 |
Sonic 3D Blast 2's title screen. Andy said getting Tails behind the 3D was a pain, he had to cut out "3D" as a seperate picture to do it. |
 |   | 10/2/99 |
Remember Sonic 2 1/2? Welcome to its Special Stage. ^_^ |
 |   | 10/2/99 |
You know it, Sonic & Knuckles was meant to be part of Sonic 3, not a seperate game. This shows a possible title screen. |
 |   | 10/2/99 |
Sonic falls out of the title screen, ala the outtakes. |
 |   | 11/1/99 |
Yup, Desert Palace, the S3 2 Player stage, blown up to full size. |
 |   | 11/1/99 |
(AniGIF) "Just imagine that Sonic and Tails (who's behind Sonic) are mature humans and Knuckles is a crazy 11-year-old with blonde hair." |